Figure 10.3 Adjusted relative risks (with 95% confidence intervals) of melanoma of the skin by socio-economic characteristics of geographic area of residence: males | MalesThe relative risk of melanoma of the skin among men was 8% lower in NI than in RoI (Figure 10.3). Once differences in population density and socio-economic factors were adjusted for, this difference increased to 15%. Areas with average (1-15 p/ha) population density had a 20% greater risk of male melanoma than the least densely populated areas. Areas with the highest levels of unemployment had a reduced risk of melanoma among men. A strong inverse relationship was also present with regard to lower levels of educational attainment in an area. Compared to areas with high levels of tertiary level education, the relative risk of melanoma in areas with low levels of tertiary level education was 0.66 (95%CI = 0.58-0.75). Men resident in areas with between 36% and 42% of elderly people living alone (quintile 4) had an 18% greater risk of melanoma. |
Figure 10.4 Adjusted relative risks (with 95% confidence intervals) of melanoma of the skin by socio-economic characteristics of geographic area of residence: females | FemalesAmong women, lung cancer risk was higher in NI compared to RoI (RR=1.07, 95%CI=1.01-1.13) (Figure 6.4). However, adjusting for population density and socio-economic factors reversed this relationship, with risk lower in NI (RR=0.92, 95%CI=0.88-0.97). For women the association between lung cancer and population density was greater than for men, with lung cancer risk 74% higher in high density compared to low density areas. Lung cancer among women was higher in areas of high unemployment, lower levels of degree level education and with a high proportion of elderly living alone. The relative risk for people living in areas with the highest proportion of these indicators was 45%, 23% and 9% respectively, compared to the areas with the lowest proportion of these indicators. |