The geographical pattern of bladder cancer for both sexes was mainly determined by the pattern for men, due to their higher incidence rate (Map 11.1).
For men (Map 11.2), there were several areas of high relative risk, including the east coast from Louth to Wexford (including Dublin City), Donegal, and more scattered areas including parts of Kerry, Cork, North Down, Ards and north and east Belfast.
For women the geographical variation was less distinct (Map 11.3). As for men, there was an area of higher relative risk along the east coast, but there was a second area of increased risk which included most of Munster—a much larger area than for men. Donegal and parts of Belfast showed slightly increased levels of relative risk.
Map 11.1 Bladder cancer, smoothed relative risks: both sexes

Map 11.2 Bladder cancer, smoothed relative risks: males

Map 11.3 Bladder cancer, smoothed relative risks: females