Content relating to cancer 'Prostate'

Scientific paper
Title Cancers
Cancer-related symptoms predict psychological wellbeing among prostate cancer survivors: results from the PiCTure study Prostate
Comparing the costs of three prostate cancer follow-up strategies: a cost minimisation analysis Prostate
Pre-diagnosis employment status and financial circumstances predict cancer-related financial stress and strain among breast and prostate cancer survivors Breast | Prostate
Establishing a population-based patient-reported outcomes study (PROMs) using national cancer registries across two jurisdictions: the Prostate Cancer Treatment, your experience (PiCTure) study Prostate
Psychometric evaluation of the EORTC QLQ-PR25 questionnaire in assessing health-related quality of life in prostate cancer survivors: a curate's egg Prostate
Lottery ticket was more effective than a prize draw in increasing questionnaire response among cancer survivors Prostate
Patient reported "ever had" and "current" long term physical symptoms following prostate cancer treatments Prostate
Long-term health-related quality of life of prostate cancer survivors varies by primary treatment. Results from the PiCTure (Prostate Cancer Treatment, your experience) study Prostate
Factors driving inequality in prostate cancer survival: a population-based study Prostate
Prostate specific antigen testing is associated with men's psychological and physical health and their healthcare utilisation in a nationally representative sample: a cross-sectional study Prostate


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