There are estimated to be over 200,000 people living with or beyond a diagnosis of cancer in Ireland in 2019. Cancer treatments such as surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy may have a long-term impact on people’s health and result in day-to-...Read more
On the 10th of April 2019 a Patient Voice in Cancer Research (PVCR) workshop was jointly hosted by the National Cancer Registry (NCRI) and PVCR in University College Dublin. Cancer survivors, patient advocacy groups and researchers attended the...Read more
This note provides a brief summary of a systematic review to identify natural history models employed in cost-effectiveness analyses of cervical screening that incorporated novel biomarkers beyond the current use of HPV testing. Knowledge of the...Read more
In November 2007, the Health Information and Quality Authority agreed to carry out a health technology assessment (HTA) of a population-based colorectal cancer screening programme in Ireland in response to a request by the National...Read more
This report details the financial impact of a cancer diagnosis arising from a study undertaken in partnership with the Irish Cancer Society . Some of the key findings were that cancer patients incur many...Read more