patient_id | Unique anonymised identifier at patient level |
tumour_id | Unique anonymised identifier at tumour level |
sex | M for male, F for female |
age_group | The five year age-class of the individual at the date of incidence: 18 groups 0_4 to 85+ |
yoi | The year of incidence of the tumour |
canctype | Category recode, e.g. "Breast cancer (invasive)" which takes into account both site and morphology |
icd10_o3 | ICD-O-3-compatible version of ICD-10 code (based on ICD-O-3 tumour behaviour) used to describe the tumour site or type. Click here to get a full list of ICD-10 codes. |
icd10_site | 3-digit version of icd10_o3 |
topog | The ICD-O-3 topography code (site) for the tumour. Click here to get a full list of topography codes. |
mdesc | Morphology grouping defined by IARC. Click here to get a full list of morphology groupings and descriptions. |
behav_icdo3 | Tumour behaviour according to ICD-O-3: 0 = benign; 1 = uncertain malignant potential; 2 = insitu; 3 = invasive. |
haem_summ | HAEMACARE Working Group (2009) groupings of haematological malignancies. |
iccc_group | International Classification of Childhood Cancers (3rd edition) main group: 1 to 12 (I to XII), provided for ages 0-19. "999" = tumours that don’t fall within the ICCC. |
mtdpres | This is the method by which the individual presented with the tumour; values are: A Autopsy, C1=screening unspecified, C2=screening organised, C3=screening opportunistic, I Incidental, S Symptoms, Z Unknown. |
microver | Microscopic verification; Y=Yes, N=No, Z=Unknown. |
hse_area | HSE administrative area of residence: DNNE (Dublin / North-East), DNML (Dublin / Mid-Leinster), South & West. |
depriv_2002* | Area-based SAHRU deprivation score based on 2002 census (10-point converted to 5-point scale: 1 = least deprived to 5 = most deprived). |
depriv_2006* | Area-based SAHRU deprivation score based on 2006 census (1 = least deprived to 5 = most deprived). |
sumstage0 | TNM 5th-edition stage (assumes NX=N0 & MX=M0). |
grade | Histological grade 1-4 (most solid tumours). |
dco | 1 indicates death certificate only case (exclude from survival analyses). |
auto_only | 1 indicates autopsy-only case (exclude from survival analyses). |
vital_status | Dead or alive at end of follow-up (currently 31/12/2014): 1 = alive at common censoring date, 2 = dead on or before that date (any cause) NB: this represents all-cause mortality, and should only be used for relative or net survival analysis (i.e. by comparison with expected survival in the general population) – it does not represent cancer-specific mortality. |
survival_months | Complete months survived from diagnosis to death or 31/12/2014, whichever is earliest (<30 days = 0 completed months). NB: This field is provided as an approximation of survival time, and for analysis purposes it should be assumed that 1 complete month survived = 1.5 months, etc. |
year_death | Year of death (if on or before common censoring date, currently 31/12/2014). |
surg_1yr | Yes/no had tumour-directed surgery within 1 year of diagnosis. |
chemo_1yr | Yes/no had chemotherapy or tumour-directed immunotherapy within 1 year of diagnosis. A null value indicates that this field is not available. |
horm_1yr | Yes/no had tumour-directed hormonal therapy within 1 year of diagnosis. A null value indicates that this field is not available. |
medonc_1yr | Yes/no had tumour-directed medical oncology treatment within 1 year of diagnosis. |
radio_1yr | Yes/no had radiotherapy within 1 year of diagnosis. |