The National Cancer Registry was established by the Minister for Health in 1991 by Statutory Instrument and is primarily funded by the Department of Health. It was set up to record information on all cancer cases occurring in Ireland and has been collecting such data since 1994.
Our functions were laid down in legislation in 1991, with an amendment in 1996, and are as follows:
- To identify, collect, classify, record, store and analyse information relating to the incidence and prevalence of cancer and related tumours in Ireland;
- To collect, classify, record and store information in relation to each newly diagnosed individual cancer patient and in relation to each tumour which occurs;
- To promote and facilitate the use of the data thus collected in approved research and in the planning and management of services;
- To publish an annual report based on the activities of the Registry;
- To furnish advice, information and assistance in relation to any aspect of such service to the Minister.
The intervening years have seen major advances in the fight against cancer, with improvements both in the effectiveness of treatment and reductions in the risk of developing some common cancers. Cancer research has been, and will continue to be fundamental to these advances. In Ireland, the National Cancer Registry is an important part of our fight against cancer.
Cross Border Co-operation
Cross border cooperation is a feature of our work and we are members of the Ireland-Northern Ireland-National Cancer Institute Cancer Consortium. This consortium was established in 1999 at the Stormont Parliament Buildings in Belfast, Northern Ireland. The ceremonial signing of the Memorandum of Understanding was chaired by former U.S. Senator George Mitchell. In May 2001, the Consortium announced the findings of the first All-Ireland Cancer Statistics report. This was a joint effort of the two registries to document cancer rates, trends, and outcomes on the entire island of Ireland. In September 2004, the consortium produced the second All-Ireland Cancer Statistics report followed in April 2009 by a third. These are the first three collaborative reports of the two cancer registries and the first jointly produced products to be delivered by the Consortium.