Today is World Cancer Day 2025. The NCRI believes that tackling the complexities of cancer requires a united effort. Today we’re shining a light on the international projects we contribute to in order to improve cancer registration across the globe and advance international

The International Cancer Benchmarking Partnership (ICBP) is an innovative collaboration that brings together clinicians, policymakers, researchers and data experts across the world. It aims to measure international variation in cancer survival, incidence and mortality.

The International Benchmarking of Childhood Cancer Survival by Stage project (BENCHISTA) aims to improve understanding of the reasons for variation in childhood cancer survival between countries and to highlight areas that need to be targeted for improvement.

NCRI is a member of the Steering Committee of the European Network of Cancer Registries (ENCR) which promotes collaboration between cancer registries, defines data collection standards and disseminates information on incidence and mortality from cancer in the EU and Europe.

The OriON Joint Action aims to support the Cancer Inequalities Registry in identifying trends, disparities and inequalities in cancer prevention and care between and within EU States and regions. It's aim is to reduce disparities in cancer prevention and care across the EU.

The European Cancer Information System (ECIS) provides the latest information on indicators that quantify cancer burden across Europe. It permits the exploration of geographical patterns and temporal trends of incidence, mortality and survival data across Europe.

Comprehensive Cancer Infrastructures for Europe (CCI4EU) is a European initiative aiming to help member states and associated countries to rethink the cancer culture at all levels.
CancerWatch Joint Action seeks to address the quality and timeliness of cancer registry data, making data-driven insights more accessible through ECIS and the emerging European Health Data Space (EHDS).