
The first all-Ireland cancer atlas, published on December 9th by the National Cancer Registry and the Northern Ireland Cancer Registry, shows major unexplained variations across the island in the risk of most common cancers. The atlas...Read more

The Minister of Health is developing a public health policy framework which aims to improve the health of the population and reduce health inequalities by addressing the causes of preventable ill-health.

To help shape the policy, the...Read more

A report published today by the National Cancer Registry (Lung cancer incidence, mortality treatment and survival in the Republic of Ireland 1994-2008) shows that while both incidence and mortality rates from lung cancer are...Read more

A report published today by the National Cancer Registry (Cancer in Ireland 2011) shows that the number of cancer cases diagnosed each year has risen by almost 50% since the mid 1990’s and that over 90,000 people are now alive 15...Read more

Children from deprived backgrounds have the same chance of surviving five years as children from advantaged backgrounds.

A new analysis from Ireland’s National Cancer Registry, the Boyne Research Institute in...Read more

Updated statistics on relative survival of Irish cancer patients are now available online for an expanded list of cancer types. National estimates are provided by diagnosis period, further broken...Read more

The second All-Ireland Conference on Population-based Cancer Research, which will be held in Dublin today, will hear that almost half of all cancer patients reported increased financial stress as a result of their diagnosis. Many patients were...Read more


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