Cancer trends and projections

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Each year we produce short reports on trends for different cancer types based on the data we collect. These reports describe case numbers, age profile, geographic distribution, international differences in incidence, stage at diagnosis, treatment patterns, and mortality and survival rates. We have also produced projections of future case-numbers for a range of cancer sites.

Cancer Trends 39 - HPV Associated Cancers

The latest trends report on HPV-associated cancers estimates that there are 641 cases of new human papilloma virus (HPV)-associated cancers diagnosed and 196 cancer deaths per year in Ireland, most of which are potentially preventable by HPV...Read more

Childhood, Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer

This latest trends report on Childhood, Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer (AYA), published by the National Cancer Registry, is the first report of its kind to include cancers in those up to 24 years of age. The report highlights an increase in...Read more

The latest trends report published by the National Cancer Registry focuses on cancer incidence, mortality, stage and survival for patients diagnosed with female breast cancer, cervical cancer and colorectal cancer. All three cancers have...Read more

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