The latest trends report (number 28) from the Registry on primary brain cancer has been published. Data shows that on average, 289 malignant primary tumours of the brain are...Read more
The latest annual report from the National Cancer Registry, Ireland’s main source of cancer information, suggests that, although the total number of cancers continues to rise...Read more
This report summarises trends in incidence, stage, treatment, mortality and survival for lung cancer in Ireland. On average, 2279 cases per year were diagnosed during 2011-2013, 1005 (44%) in women and 1274 (56%) in men. Incidence rates have...Read more
This report provides an overview of the incidence, treatment and survival for myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) and myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) in Ireland. These are categories of haematological malignancy that largely comprise conditions...Read more
The latest report of the National Cancer Registry summarizes incidence, mortality, survival and treatment for cancer in Ireland during 1994-2012, focusing particularly on 2010-...Read more
The latest report from the National Cancer Registry shows that more than 19,000 invasive cancer cases were diagnosed on average each year in the period 2009-2011, with a lifetime...Read more
The latest trends report from the National Cancer Registry describes primary bone cancer incidence, treatment, mortality and survival. Approximately 35 cases are diagnosed per year in Ireland with incidence rates being slightly higher in males...Read more
This report of cancer incidence projections shows that the incidence of cancer in Ireland is expected to double by 2040. With the exception of leukemia in males, the number of cancers is projected to increase for all cancer types between 2010 and...Read more
This short report provides information on the incidence of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) in Ireland between 1994 and 2011. An average of 660 cases of NHL was diagnosed per year in Ireland between 2007 and 2011. Although NHL comprised just 4% of...Read more
This short report provides information on the incidence of non-melanoma skin cancer in Ireland between 1994 and 2011. An annual average of over 6,300 cases were diagnosed per year, 68% of which were basal cell (BCC) and 30% squamous cell (SCC)...Read more