The latest trends report just published by the National Cancer Registry shows that the chances of a woman developing malignant breast cancer before her 75 th birthday currently stands at about 1 in 10.
The latest trends report (number 28) from the Registry on primary brain cancer has been published. Data shows that on average, 289 malignant primary tumours of the brain are...Read more
This report provides an overview of the incidence, treatment and survival for myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) and myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) in Ireland. These are categories of haematological malignancy that largely comprise conditions...Read more
The broad category of head and neck cancer incorporates cancers at 17 separate sub-sites in the mouth, pharynx, larynx, salivary glands, middle ear and nasal sinuses. During the period 2010-2012, head and neck cancer accounted for 2.9% of all...Read more
This report summarises incidence, treatment, survival and mortality for cancers among Irish children (age 0-14 years). On average, 128 cancers were diagnosed per year during 1994-2011, most frequently leukaemias (40), brain and central nervous...Read more