General overview

history icon The Registry collects data on cancer incidence, treatment and survival in Ireland.

We carry out research to help improve cancer outcomes and reduce the cancer burden.

We publish an annual report each year.


Cancer factsheets

factsheets icon Factsheets provide a one page summary of statistics for a particular cancer. These factsheets are updated frequently. Select a factsheet from the list below and hit 'Go' to view the factsheet.

Cancer statistics

atlas icon The data section provides a wide range of cancer statistics. Get a variety of customised graphs and tabulation for incidence and survival rates. Download cancer maps by county in Ireland. View performance indicators and make personal data requests if required.


Building 6800
Cork Airport Business Park
Kinsale Road, Cork T12 CDF7
Email Contact us here
Tel: +353 (0) 21 4318014
Fax: +353 (0) 21 4318016

NCRI directions

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