Appendix 2: Electoral division tables

Table A2.1 “Confidential” electoral divisions which were merged for census purposes, RoI
countyconfidential ED codemerged withnew codecomponent EDsyear of merge
Laois8046Capard8045Brisha8701Brisha(045) / Capard(046)1996
Longford9035Newgrove9024Firry9701Firry(024) / Newgrove(035)1996
Offaly12034Ballaghassaan12043Esker12701Esker(043) / Ballaghassaan(034)2002
Westmeath13085Lackan13054Ballinalack13701Ballinalack(054) / Lackan(085)2006
Clare16008Castletown16014Noughaval16703Noughaval(014) / Castletown(008)2006
16017Ballyeighter16020Glenroe16701Glenroe(020) / Ballyeighter(017)1996
16128Cahermurphy16123Corlea16704Corlea(123) / Cahermurphy(128)2006
16133Inishcaltra South16132Inishcaltra North16702Inishcaltra North(132) / Inishcaltra South(133)1996
Cork18046Whiddy18033Bantry Rural18701Bantry Rural(033) / Whiddy(046)1996
Kerry19020Máistir Gaoithe19009Ceannúig19701Ceannúig(009) / Máistir Gaoithe(020)2006
19011Daoire Ianna19014Cloon19702Cloon(014) / Daoire Ianna(011)2006
Tipperary N22045Lackagh22037Greenhall22701Greenhall(037) / Lackagh(045)1996
Tipperary S23136Killaloan23137Kilsheelan23701Kilsheelan(137) / Killaloan(136)2006
Waterford24006Ballynaneashagh24002Ballybeg South24701Ballybeg South(002) / Ballynaneashagh(006)1996
25074Kilbarry (part)25070Ballynakill (part)25701Ballynakill (part)(070) / Kilbarry (part)(074)***2002
Galway27022Bencorr*27027Derrycunlagh*27703Bencorr(022) / Derrycunlagh(027) / Derrylea(028)2002 / 2006
27126Loughatorick27129Marblehill27702Marblehill(129) / Loughatorick(126)2002
Leitrim28011Stralongford28007Greaghlass28704Greaghlass(007) / Stralongford(011)2006
28017Drumreilly West28016Drumreilly East28705Drumreilly West(017) / Drumreilly East(016)2006
28032Aghavoghill**28027Aghalateeve**28703Aghalateeve(027) / Aghanlish(028) / Melvin(029) / Aghavoghill(032)2002 / 2006
28034Arigna28041Garvagh28701Garvagh(041) / Arigna(034)1996
Mayo29065Sheskin29058Glenco29701Glenco(058) / Sheskin(065)1996
29130Bundorragha29150Owennadornaun29702Owennadornaun(150) / Bundorragha(130)1996
Roscommon30048Mantua30046Lisgarve30701Lisgarve(046) / Mantua(048)2006
30025Altagowlan30047Lough Allen30702Lough Allen(047) / Altagowlan(025)2006
Sligo31027Mullagheruse31031Templeboy South31701Templeboy South(031) / Mullagheruse(027)2002
31069Carrownaskeagh31067Branchfield31702Branchfield(067) / Carrownaskeagh(069)2006
31071Cloonacool31078Loughill31703Loughill(078) / Cloonacool(071)2006
Cavan32028Tircahan32025Pedara Vohers32703Pedara Vohers(025) / Tircahan(028)2002
32018Benbrack32027Templeport32704Templeport(027) / Benbrack(018)2006
32082Derrynananta32084Dunmakeever32701Dunmakeever(084) / Derrynananta(082)1996
32087Teebane32086Kinninagh32702Kinninagh(086) / Teebane(087)1996
* Derrycunlagh merged with Bencorr in 2002, Derrycunlagh merged with Derrylea in 2006
** Aghavoghill merged with Aghalateeve in 2002, Aghavoghill merged with Melvin in 2006 and Aghalateeve merged with Aghanlish in 2006
***Not confidential in 2006
Table A2.2 Urban areas with population splits altered between 1996 and 2002 censuses
countyED numberED name1996 census2002 censuscombined intocomponent eds
Carlow1001Carlow Urban Area102204963Carlow Urban Area1001Carlow Urban Area (001),
Carlow Rural (pt.) (019)
1019Carlow Rural (Pt.)314611238
Meath11001Ceannanus Mor Urban21522362Ceannanus Mor Urban11001Ceannanus Mor Urban (001),
Ceannanus Mor Rural (pt.) (026)
11026Ceannanus Mor Rural (pt.)20192800
11002Navan Urban34472802Navan Urban11002Navan Urban (002),
Navan Rural (pt.) (055)
11055Navan Rural (pt.)1173218624
11003Trim Urban17401204Trim Urban11003Trim Urban (003),
Trim Rural (pt.) (092)
11092Trim Rural (pt.)37755685
Kerry19003Tralee Urban Area190566311Tralee Urban Area19003Tralee Urban Area (003),
Tralee Rural (pt.) (165)
19165Tralee Rural (pt.)86015433
Donegal33003L'kenny Urban76062478L'kenny Urban33003L'kenny Urban (003),
L'kenny Rural (pt.) (105)
33105L'kenny Rural (pt.)23419289
Monaghan34002C'blayney Urban Area1884960C'blayney Urban Area34002C'blayney Urban Area (002),
C'blaney Rural (pt.) (027)
34027C'blayney Rural (pt.)18892980
34004Monaghan Urban Area56282032Monaghan Urban Area34004Monaghan Urban Area (004),
Monaghan Rural (pt.) (063)
34063Monaghan Rural (pt.)12074969

(pt.) signifies that only part of the ED is included

Table A2.3 Urban areas surrounded by a single ED (rural part)
countyED numberED namecombined intocomponent EDs
Fingal4003Balbriggan UrbanBalbriggan Urban4003Balbriggan Urban (003), Balbriggan Rural (002)
4002Balbriggan Rural
4034SkerriesSkerries4034Skerries (034), Holmpatrick (023)
Kildare6003Naas UrbanNaas Urban6003Naas Urban (003), Naas Rural (079)
6079Naas Rural
Kilkenny7005Callan UrbanCallan Urban7005Callan Urban (005), Callan Rural (004)
7004Callan Rural
Laois8072Portlaoighise UrbanPortlaoighise Urban8072Portlaoighise Urban (072), Portlaoighise Rural (071)
8071Portlaoighise Rural
Longford9027Granard UrbanGranard Urban9027Granard Urban (027), Granard Rural (026)
9026Granard Rural
Louth10009Ardee UrbanArdee Urban10009Ardee Urban (009), Ardee Rural (008)
10008Ardee Rural
Wexford14001Enniscorthy UrbanEnniscorthy Urban14001Enniscorthy Urban (001), Enniscorthy Rural pt. (021)
14021Enniscorthy Rural (pt.)
Wicklow15007Wicklow UrbanWicklow Urban15007Wicklow Urban (007), Wicklow Rural (066)
15066Wicklow Rural
Cork18002Cobh UrbanCobh Urban18002Cobh Urban (002), Cobh Rural (085)
18085Cobh Rural
18003Fermoy UrbanFermoy Urban18003Fermoy Urban (003), Fermoy Rural (131)
18131Fermoy Rural
18004Kinsale UrbanKinsale Urban18004Kinsale Urban (004), Kinsale Rural (189)
18189Kinsale Rural
18008Midleton UrbanMidleton Urban18008Midleton Urban (008), Midleton Rural (260)
18260Midleton Rural
18009Skibbereen UrbanSkibbereen Urban18009Skibbereen Urban (009), Skibbereen Rural (306)
18306Skibbereen Rural
18010Youghal UrbanYoughal Urban18010Youghal Urban (010), Youghal Rural pt.(325)
18325Youghal Rural (pt.)
Kerry19002Listowel UrbanListowel Urban19002Listowel Urban (002), Listowel Rural (118)
19118Listowel Rural
19033DingleDingle19033Dingle (033), Glin (036)
Limerick21102Newcastle UrbanNewcastle Urban21102Newcastle Urban (102), Newcastle Rural (101)
21101Newcastle Rural
Tipperary North22004Thurles UrbanThurles Urban22004Thurles Urban (004), Thurles Rural (079)
22079Thurles Rural
Tipperary South23084Cashel UrbanCashel Urban23084Cashel Urban (084), Cashel Rural (096)
23096Cashel Rural
23104FethardFethard23104Fethard (104), Peppardstown (115)
Galway27216Tuam UrbanTuam Urban27216Tuam Urban (216), Tuam Rural (215)
27215Tuam Rural
29003Castlebar UrbanCastlebar Urban29003Castlebar Urban (003), Castlebar Rural (074)
29074Castlebar Rural
Roscommon30031Boyle UrbanBoyle Urban30031Boyle Urban (031), Boyle Rural (030)
30030Boyle Rural
30106Roscommon UrbanRoscommon Urban30106Roscommon Urban (106), Roscommon Rural (105)
30105Roscommon Rural
Cavan32001Cavan UrbanCavan Urban32001Cavan Urban (001), Cavan Rural (048)
32048Cavan Rural
32051Cootehill UrbanCootehill Urban32051Cootehill Urban (051), Cootehill Rural (050)
32050Cootehill Rural
Donegal33001Buncrana UrbanBuncrana Urban33001Buncrana Urban (001), Buncrana Rural (069)
33069Buncrana Rural
Monaghan34003Clones Urban AreaClones Urban 34003Clones Urban Area (003), Clones Rural (pt.) (036)
34036Clones Rural (pt.)
34022Ballybay UrbanBallybay Urban34022Ballybay Urban(022), Ballybay Rural (021)
34021Ballybay Rural

(pt.) signifies that only part of the ED is included

Table A2.4 Drogheda, Dundalk and Wexford—Population splits not available for 1996 census and altered in 2002
 populationCombined intoComponent EDs
countyED numberED name1996 census2002 census
Louth10001Fair Gate 10852Drogheda Urban10001Fair Gate (001)
St. Laurence Gate (002)West Gate (003)
St. Peter's (pt.) (041)
St. Mary's (pt.) (047)
10002St. Laurence Gate 3566
10003West Gate 6412
10001 / 2 / 3Drogheda Urban24460 
10041St. Peter's (pt.)18095406
10047St. Mary's (pt) 4738
10004Dundalk Urban No. 1 2490Dundalk Urban10004Dundalk Urban No.1 (004)Dundalk Urban No.2 (005)Dundalk Urban No.3 (006)Dundalk Urban No.4 (007)Castletown(pt.) (023)
Dundalk Rural (pt.) (027)Haggardstown(pt.) (030)
10005Dundalk Urban No. 2 1064
10006Dundalk Urban No. 3 1430
10007Dundalk Urban No. 4 6527
10004 / 5 / 6 / 7Dundalk Urban25762 
10023Castletown (pt.)13052961
10027Dundalk Rural (pt.)52414715
10030Haggardstown (pt.)42224894
Wexford14004Wexford No. 1 Urban 1846Wexford Urban14004Wexford No.1 Urban (004)
Wexford No.2 Urban (005)Wexford No.3 Urban (006)
Wexford Rural (pt.) (123)
14005Wexford No. 2 Urban 4823
14006Wexford No. 3 Urban 1351
14004 / 5 / 6Wexford Urban9533 
14123Wexford Rural (pt.)67479761

(pt.) signifies that only part of the ED is included

Table A2.5 Islands and headlands joined artificially to mainland EDs or wards
 countyname of ED or wardED / ward no.mapping codetrue neighbours*additional neighbours*additional neighbours*
HeadlandsCorkSheepshead18045M18045Seefin (18044)Glanlough (18038) 
Templebreedy18195M18195Carrigaline (18183)Carrigaline (18082) 
Myross18304M18304Castlehaven North (18292)Shreelane (18305) 
Crookhaven18312M18312Goleen (18315)Toormore (18319) 
KerryKerryhead19149M19149Ballyheige (19132)Ballynorig (19134) 
GalwayKnockboy27033M27033Skannive (27039)Owengowla (27035) 
Ballynacourty27043M27043Clarinbridge (27049)Drumacoo (27089) 
Doorus27088M27088Kinvarra (27097)Abbey (16006) 
Lettermore27158M27158Crumpaum (27152)Gorumna (27154) 
MayoAn Geata Mor Theas29052M29052An Geata Mor Thuaidh (29051)Belmullet (29055) 
Knockadaff29060M29060Muingnabo (29062)Glenamoy (29056) 
Achill29124M2912429136 / 29152Ballycroy South (29129) 
Corraun29133M29133Newport West (29149)Ballycroy South (29129)Dooega (29136)
Dooega29136M2913629124 / 29152Corraun Achill (29133) 
Ballycroy South29129M2912929128 / 29149 / 29153 / 29701Achill (29124)Corraun Achill (29133)
SligoLissadill West31058M31058Lissadill East (31056)Lissadill North (31057) 
DonegalArdmalin33066M33066Malin (33087)Carthage (33072) 
Fanad West33115M33115Fanad North (33114)Rosnakill (33127) 
Rosguill33126M33126Carrickart (33111)Cranford (33113) 
ArdsPortaferry95BB20M19982Kircubbin (95BB15)Portavogie(95BB21) 
LarneIsland Magee95QQ13M19932Blackhead (95HH01)Whitehead (95HH16) 
IslandsCorkWhiddy18046M18701Already merged—confidential ED
Bear18048M18048 Killaconenagh (18052)Curryglass (18050)
KerryValencia19025M19025 Portmagee (19022)Teeranearagh (19024)
GalwayInishbofin27032M27032 Cleggan (27024)Sillerna (27038)
Inishmore27053M27053 Gorumna (27154)Killilagh (16058)
Gorumna27154M27154 Inishmore (27053)Lettermore (27158)
MayoClare Island29131M29131 Emlagh (29138)Aillemore (29127)
DonegalAran33040M33040 Rutland (33064)Maghery (33061)
*“True neighbours” are EDs which share a land border with the ED in column 3; “additional neighbours” are those which are geographically close or separated from it by water. True neighbours were given a weight of 1 in WinBugs; additional neighbours a weight of 0.

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