CONCORD-2 – international cancer survival comparisons

Research theme(s): 
Research workstream(s): 
Related staff: 
Dr Paul Walsh (former staff)
Dr Harry Comber (former staff)
Collaborators & co-investigators: 
CONCORD Programme, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Other cancer registries worldwide
Funding source: 
National Cancer Registry Ireland

The CONCORD Programme at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine aims to describe and explain international variations in cancer survival, including Europe, North America and other continents. The National Cancer Registry contributed data to the first phase of the project, which examined survival of patients diagnosed during the years 1990-94 (Coleman et al. 2008). The CONCORD-2 study was launched in 2012, covering ten major cancer types in adults, and leukaemia in children. It includes data from over 270 cancer registries in 61 countries, including Ireland, on patients diagnosed during the period 1995-2009 or later. Analyses are currently underway.

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