
Childhood, Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer

This latest trends report on Childhood, Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer (AYA), published by the National Cancer Registry, is the first report of its kind to include cancers in those up to 24 years of age. The report highlights an increase in...Read more

Childhood, Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer

This latest trends report on Childhood, Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer (AYA), published by the National Cancer Registry, is the first report of its kind to include cancers in those up to 24 years of age. The report highlights an increase in...Read more

The latest short report from the National Cancer Registry, published today, notes increases in incidence of childhood cancer between 1994 and 2014, partly reflecting population increases and diagnostic improvements, but ongoing major reductions...Read more

This report summarises incidence, treatment, survival and mortality for cancers among Irish children (age 0-14 years). On average, 128 cancers were diagnosed per year during 1994-2011, most frequently leukaemias (40), brain and central nervous...Read more

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