
We have partnered with Mediaplanet on their Innovations in Oncology campaign which launched today and aims to raise awareness about the latest advances in diagnosing and treating cancer in Ireland. This campaign looks at many of the exciting...Read more

Report Cover Preliminary data indicates COVID-19 disruption to cancer diagnoses continued in 2021

The National Cancer Registry Ireland (NCRI) has today published a report entitled: COVID-19 impact on cancer incidence in Ireland in 2021: a preliminary analysis.  These findings are based on registered and projected cancer cases in 2021...Read more

The latest report published by the NCRI (see summary and pdf) on...Read more

“29% of cancer incidence in Ireland is attributable to 11 modifiable risk factors, including 13% attributable to smoking”: latest report from the National Cancer Registry
Risk factors report cover
This is the first analysis by the National Cancer Registry on the proportion of cancer cases attributable to modifiable risk factors and thus potentially preventable. The report, published by the National Cancer Registry today, shows that in Ireland...Read more
“Cancer cases may double by 2045 – but some grounds for optimism”: latest report from the National Cancer Registry
Cover of projections report 2019

A report published by the National Cancer Registry today shows that the number of cases of cancer could double by 2045 if current rates continue into the future. However, the overall increase could be a more modest 50% increase in both sexes if...Read more

Ongoing and projected further increases in cancer cases reflecting population growth and ageing: latest report from the National Cancer Registry
Annual Report 2018
Based on the latest available information, it was estimated that 33,460 invasive cancers , or 22,640 cancers excluding the generally non-fatal non-melanoma cancers of skin, were diagnosed annually during 2016-2018 (or 41,080 cancers or other...Read more
Cover of cancer projections for Ireland 2015 – 2040

This report of cancer incidence projections shows that the incidence of cancer in Ireland is expected to double by 2040. With the exception of leukemia in males, the number of cancers is projected to increase for all cancer types between 2010 and...Read more

Trends in Irish cancer mortality rates 1950-2020

This report describes trends in cancer mortality in Ireland from 1950-2020 with predictions to 2015. The age-standardised mortality rate for most cancers is predicted to fall between 1998-2002 and 2015. In absolute terms, the largest projected...Read more

Trends in Irish cancer incidence 1994-2002

This report contains projections of cancer numbers in Ireland to 2020, based on trends from 1994-2003 and population projections to 2036. The total number of new cancers is predicted to increase by 90% (from 22,019 to 41,743) between 1998-2002...Read more

This report presents extrapolations of National Cancer Registry incidence data for 1994-2006 to the years 2010-2035. Between 2005 and 2035, the overall number of invasive cancers is projected to increase by 17,063 (165%, 6% annually) for females and by 24,809 (213%, 7% annually) for males. If non-melanoma cancer of the skin is excluded, over the same period the number of invasive cancers is projected to increase by 12,479 (168%, 6% annually) for females and by 19,139 (232%, 8% annually) for males.Read more

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