15.2 International variations in incidence

Kidney cancer rates were highest in the Czech Republic, followed by the USA, for both men and women (Figure 15.2). The lowest rates occurred in Japan and Portugal for both men and women. Compared to other developed countries, the rates of kidney cancer were slightly below the median in both RoI and NI.

Figure 15.2 Estimated incidence rate per 100,000 in 2008 for selected developed countries compared to 2005-2007 incidence rate for RoI and NI: kidney cancer


Source: GLOBOCAN 2008 (Ferlay et al., 2008) (excluding RoI and NI data, which is derived from Cancer Registry data for 2005-2007)

NOTE: KIdney cancer was defined in GLOBOCAN 2008 by ICD10 codes C64-C66 but in this atlas we have used codes C64-C65 (see Table 2.1.). The incidence rates shown for NI and RoI in Figure 15.2 use the GLOBOCAN definition, and are consequently slightly inconsistent with data in the rest of this chapter.

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