7.4 Small geographic area characteristics and cancer risk

Figure 7.3 Adjusted relative risks (with 95% confidence intervals) of prostate cancer by socio-economic characteristics of geographic area of residence


The risk of prostate cancer in NI was 29% lower than in RoI, with variations between the two countries with regard to socio-economic factors and population density having a minimal impact on this difference (Figure 7.3).

There was a weak relationship between prostate cancer and population density, with men living in the least densely populated areas at greater risk. Unemployment was not associated with prostate cancer risk.

The strongest area-based factor in prostate cancer risk was education; men resident in areas with a smaller proportion of people with degree level qualifications had a 17% reduced risk compared to those living in areas with the highest proportion of people with degree level qualifications.

Men resident in the 3rd and 4th quintiles of the proportion of elderly people living alone indicator had the highest risk of prostate cancer.

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