Cancer incidence, treatment and mortality surveillance

Research theme(s): 
Related staff: 
Dr Sandra Deady (former staff)
Dr Paul Walsh (former staff)
Dr Harry Comber (former staff)
Funding source: 
National Cancer Registry, Ireland

Analysis of national cancer incidence, treatment and mortality provides essential basic level information that is used to inform the research programme within the Registry as well as the Department of Health, the HSE and other international bodies, such as IARC and OECD.  Variations of cancer incidence and mortality over time, by age, sex, social class and area of residence are analysed and comparisons between Irish and international patterns are described and interpreted. Variations in treatment patterns over time are monitored and results are published regularly in National Cancer Registry statistical reports, and cancer trend reports which can be downloaded from our website. We also publish short factsheets on incidence and mortality data for each cancer type.

Related papers: Related publications: 

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