Content relating to cancer 'Cervix uteri'

Title Cancers
Factors associated with never having had a cervical smear: findings from a national population survey Cervix uteri
Prevalence and predictors of anxiety and worry in women after colposcopy: a longitudinal study Cervix uteri
Associations between psychological and physical after-effects in women undergoing colposcopy and related procedures for follow-up for an abnormal cervical smear Cervix uteri
Title Cancers Tags
Cancer Trends 38 - Breast, cervical and colorectal cancer 1994-2019 Breast | Cervix uteri | Colorectal Incidence | Stage | Mortality | Survival | Screening
Cancer trends 35 - Cervical cancer Cervix uteri Incidence | Treatment | Mortality | Survival
Cancer Trends 33 - HPV-associated cancers Cervix uteri | Head & neck | Mouth & pharynx | Penile | Rectum | Vaginal | Vulvar Trends | Incidence | Mortality | Treatment | Survival | Prevention | Screening | Vaccination
Systematic Review of Natural History Models in CEAs of Novel Testing Techniques in Cervical Screening: A Brief Summary Cervix uteri
Cancer trends - Cancers of the cervix and uterus Cervix uteri | Corpus uteri Screening | Women
Scientific paper
Title Cancers
Socio-economic variations in anticipated adverse reactions to testing HPV positive: Implications for the introduction of primary HPV-based cervical screening Cervix uteri
Health-related quality of life as measured by the EQ-5D in the prevention, screening and management of cervical disease: A systematic review Cervix uteri


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