Incidence statistics

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Standard used to calculate rates
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Welcome to the Cancer Incidence Statistics section

You can generate tables and graphs of cancer incidence rates on line. Use the search fields in the form above to choose the relevant rates. You can navigate different types of analysis by using the tabbed interface above the search form. The first tab shows incidence by sex and year. You can view incidence by region and incidence by age on the other tabs.

For the latest general estimates of incidence, mortality and prevalence by cancer and sex, please view the cancer factsheets for Ireland on the European Cancer Information System website, or check out the latest NCRI factsheets here.

If the data you require is not available here, we encourage you to contact us with your request.


  • As the data on this website is updated regularly, the on line cancer rates and data download may differ slightly from the Registry's published reports.
  • Case numbers less than five will not be displayed. In the event that a particular selection has less then five records, the tabulations will instead show the text '<5'.
  • It is only possible to filter selections by county when the year range is three or over in the “by age” tab, i.e. 2011-2013 will be allowed, but not 2012-2013.

By sex & year

  • Incidence by sex and year shows cancer statistics for each year/sex combination.
  • You can search by cancer, region, year range and age range.
  • Please note that the years shown range from 1994 (the date of the foundation of the National Cancer Registry) to 2021 (the latest available complete data).

By region

  • Incidence by region shows cancer statistics for the various regions of Ireland.
  • You can search by cancer, sex, year range and age range.
  • The available regions are mostly counties. Dublin and Tipperary are both split into north and south regions of the respective counties.
  • You can also view data for the HSE areas (HSE South, HSE West, HSE Dublin & Mid Leinster, HSE Dublin & North East). For clarity, line charts and bar charts are shown for HSE areas only, as well as Ireland as a whole.

By age

  • Incidence by age shows statistics by 5-year age group.
  • You can search by cancer, sex, year range and region.
  • The 5-year age groups range from 0 to 85 plus. They are broken into even 5 year periods. The tabular results will show all of these 5 year age groups, plus the larger age groups: 0-49, 50-64, 65-74 and 75 plus. For brevity, The graphical results will show only the larger age groups.
  • If you would like to see a custom age group, please select one of the other incidence analysis headings and specify the age required.

Childhood cancer

  • Childhood cancer shows incidence statistics by sex and year for children.
  • You can search by cancer, year range, age range and rate type.
  • The standard age range for reporting of childhood cancer incidence is 0 to 14, but the option is also available here to generate statistics for the wider range 0 to 19. All 5 year age groups within this age range are available.
  • The cancer list is made up of special childhood cancer categories. This list is known as ICCC (International Classification of Childhood Cancer), and it includes benign and uncertain-behaviour tumours of the brain and central nervous system.
  • Rate types of European and World age standardisation are available. For childhood cancer, the default rate type is World Age Standardised Rate.

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